Friday, May 9, 2008

I've Got a New Attitude!

A few weeks ago some of my girlfriends and I were sitting around talking about hair and my friend, Wylie, got the bright idea (it really was a good idea) to straighten my hair with a flat iron. Now, I have straightened my hair before but that was like 15 years ago. I used to straighten it with a round brush and blow dryer which took forever, about two hours, and the end result was still pretty frizzy. Ever since the flat irons came out I have wondered how they would work on my hair but was not willing to spend a lot of money to try it out. So when Wylie suggested we try it with my hair I got really excited. I ran home and took a shower then went back over to Wylie's. A few of my other friends were there as well. We turned on the movie Hairspray, which I had never seen before and the girls went to town on my hair. Wylie was standing on one side of me with her flat iron, and my friend Kim was on the other side with her flat iron. In half an hour my hair was done and this is what it looked like:

Holy cow! I love it. I went to church the next day and most people did not recognize me. Because of my new doo I am going to do something for Mother's Day that I have not done in NINE years...go get my hair done at a salon! I don't trust others with my hair so I never go to a salon but I am ready for some hi-lights and at least a trim...I don't know if I'm ready for a full-on cut yet but we'll see. A friend of mine works for a salon and I am going to see her next Friday. I'll post pictures again when it's all done. Yea for straight hair!


Meggin said...

Julie, I didn't get to tell you at church, but I LOVE your hair straight! You look like a babe!

Katie said...

The vote is unanimous...WE LOVE IT!! You look fantastic! Good luck at the salon...we expect pictures!

Kim said...

Wahoo!!! Hot STUFF! :) I am glad to see it on your blog!

Loridee said...

wow!!! You look awesome!!!

Rachel said...

I love it!!! You look awesome. (You look awesome with curly hair too! -- you're just beautiful all around.)But since when are you not blonde anymore? I always imagine you blonde? (Don't worry, Esther isn't really blonde anymore either, although that's how I always picture her.)

Jewls said...

My hair has gradually gotten darker over the years and got really dark when I had Sarah. I didn't realize how dark it was either until I straightened it. For some reason it looks darker when it's straight. When I go to the salon on Friday I am getting hi-lights so I will be blonde again :) I think I look better blonde.

Brandon and Natalie said...

So cute! I love the hair! You look awesome! Can't wait to see pictures from the salon.


When I saw your picture, I said, "WOW!" C-U-T-E hair! Hope your time at the salon is fun and relaxing, too!