Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Bath Fun!

The other day I was giving Sarah a bath and all of a sudden she lunged forward to grab one of her toys and ended up on her belly. She had never turned onto her belly before in the tub so she sat there for a minute making sure she was ok then she looked up at me, gave me a big grin and started kicking her legs. I kept telling her she was "swimming". Now whenever I give her a bath I tell her, "go swimming" and she flips over onto her belly and starts kicking and splashing. I think we are going to have a blast this summer in the pool together! Enjoy the pictures :)


Brandon and Natalie said...

How cute! She has gotten so big!

The Coopers said...

So cute! She is going to love these pictures in about 15 or 16 years :)

brooke said...

She is so stinkin' cute!!!