Friday, September 28, 2007

And the Winner Is...

Everyone always says that Sarah looks more like Kevin than me. At first I could see that, but now that she is getting bigger I can see more of myself in her. My friend Katie tried this look-a-like meter with her kids. It scans your pictures and determines which parent your child looks more like. So I decided to try this with Sarah and see what the outcome would be. See for yourself:

Let the record show that she looks more like me (it's about time)!


Unknown said...

That's funny. She does look a lot like both of you. My kids don't really look like either of us. They're just little unique combinations I think. People tell me that Aubrey looks like me, but I think she has a lot of Jesperson in her. Anyway, love you! Sarah is beautiful.

MK said...

That is funny. I should do that. It cracks me up when someone says "Elizabeth looks exactly like you" and then a few minutes later someone else says "Elizabeth looks exactly like her dad." Either way they are adorable right!?! Sarah sure is.