Thursday, October 11, 2007

Banana Boats

The other day I was reading my cousin, Rachel's blog and a while ago she did a post on a trip her famiy took up the canyon. They had banana boats while they were there and I mentioned to Kevin that I have never had banana boats before. He promplty informed me that I was missing out and I had to try them. He turned the oven on and made a banana boat for me to try. We took it outside and ate it together on the lawn. Of course as soon as Sarah saw that we were eating something she came crawling up in our laps trying desperately to get a taste of the action. We gave some to her and she kept begging for more. Here is the end result:

Begging for more

Hey Sarah, she likes it

I think banana boats are going to become a staple food for future camping trips.


Katie said...

So Cute!! BTW, what are banana boats?? YOu might want to fill in the rest of the world (aka Kirkham family :)

Unknown said...

SO CUTE! She's adorable. I have no idea what banana boats are either. I've never even heard of them:).

Unknown said...

I just realized that I said, "so cute" exactly like the person before me. Maybe I should have been more original. haha. I need to pay better attention I guess.

MK said...

What cute pictures. She is adorable. Don't you wish they would come begging for spinach and green beans!!