Sunday, September 28, 2008

Back Seat Driver

Thursday I was backing out my driveway and almost got hit by some woman who decided to flip a u-turn right by my driveway. When I pulled up behind her at the stop sign she just sat there even though there were no cars coming. I was just about to honk my horn at her when she rolled down her window and waved me past. The problem was that she was sitting right in the middle of the road so I had to drive right next to the side walk on the wrong side of the road to get around her. Needless to say I was pretty ticked by this point and as I passed her I called her a stupid cow (my windows were rolled up, I was just venting outloud). All of a sudden from the back seat Sarah said, "Moooooo, Mooooooo, Mooooooo!" I was so upset over the situation that it took me a second to understand why she was mooing. Finally it hit me, I had just called this woman a stupid cow and Sarah picked up on the cow reference so she started mooing. I busted up laughing and almost peed my pants. It was so funny! I will definitely have to start watching my actions when I drive.


Brandon and Natalie said...

That is so funny! It is amazing what they pick up on. You definitely have to watch yourself(myself included). How cute to hear little moo sounds in the car. Probably a great way to break the tension.

Meggin said...

What a crack-up! I am learning I need to be very careful of what I say with a little guy around, too!

Katie said...

Hilarious!! What a cutie pie! Man, now you have to start watching yourself...hehe! ;)

wylie said...

I just love to hear that you called someone a stupid cow! You are the sweetest person that it makes me feel a little better that you get mad too sometimes! And Sarah is such a doll! Her pigtails were adorable on Sunday!

MK said...

Hilarious! Isn't it great that kids are around to help us laugh at ourselves!

Katie said...

I tagged you on my blog!

pcerik said...

THAT is funny