Friday, April 4, 2008


This Easter was so much fun. First off there Sarah had a georgeous Easter dress. Amazingly I found it at Wal-Mart for $15 which is pretty good for the dress I got her. I also bought her a little sweater to go over it because it's still pretty chilly here. When we got Sarah dressed she strutted around the house and kept shaking her hips around to watch the dress move. It was so cute! I got some great pictures of her.

Now that Sarah is walking we did an egg hunt for her. I bought her a basket that is just her size along with some plastic eggs. There isn't a whole lot of candy she can eat so I filled the eggs with fruit snacks (her favorite). We then hid the eggs around the yard. Of course we kept them in plain sight so Sarah could see them. Kevin took her around for the first part of the hunt. He pointed out the first egg and she kind-of looked at him. Then he went over and put it in her basket for her. By the second or third egg she understood that she needed to look for more but she wanted to hold them all rather than put them in her basket. At one point she got up to three eggs in her hands at once. Finally she understood that they needed to go into her basket. After it was over I sat down with her and showed her how to open the eggs. She caught on fast once she realized there were fruit snacks inside them. We had such a good time. Here are more pictures:

1 comment:

Katie said...

Ok, I am SOOO loving all the posts..can you tell? I have commented about 15,000 (4-5) times today! Anyway, she is a doll and I love the dress, great find!