Monday, July 20, 2009

More Potty Training News

Overall potty training is going well. Sarah is so excited to be wearing big girl panties and using the big potty like Mommy and Daddy. Friday was accident free. Saturday and Sunday she had a poop accident and so far today we have had a poop and pee accident. I was so proud of Sarah yesterday at church. We were about half way through Sacrament meeting when I asked her if she had to go potty. She said yes and I looked over at Kevin. He asked me if she would use the church potties because at home we use the cushy ring that fits over the regular seat. I told him I didn't know and off Sarah and I went to the restroom.

At first she didn't want to go into any of the stalls so I told her to pick one out. She did and of course it was one of the smallest ones. So I made my way in the stall with her. I got her up on the potty and asked her if she wanted me to hold her up there. She said she didn't and she was able to balance herself on the seat. Then I knelt down on the floor in front of her because she likes me at eye level when she uses the potty. It was extremely uncomfortable and felt pretty humiliating but I kept reminding myself that I was doing it for Sarah. She went right away and didn't have any problems. When she was finished she told me she wanted to go out of the stall before I flushed the toilet. She is afraid of the loud noise the public toilets make. It's funny because I hate that noise as well and still get kind of freaked out about it. I have never been able to figure out why. Anyways, Sarah didn't go potty again until we got home after church so she did great.

Today Sarah is starting to go pee by herself. This morning I asked her if she needed to go potty and she said yes. I was right in the middle of something so I told her to go ahead and get on the potty and I would be right in. By the time I got in there she had already went. Then about an hour ago she was playing in her play room and I was in the kitchen. All of a sudden she ran past me in the kitchen. I didn't think anything of it because she runs around the house all the time but then I heard her going potty in the bathroom. I peeked in on her with a big grin on my face and said to her, "you used the potty all by yourself and I didn't even have to remind you!" She was so excited and I told her how proud I was of her. We have gotten to the point that I don't have to give her stickers or blow out the candle. Just the excitement of using the potty is enough for her. I am so proud of how fast she is understanding the feeling of having to go to the bathroom and responding to it. We just need to work on the poop area.

It's funny, I have always heard women complain about the many hardships of motherhood and one of them has always been dealing with poop. I have never had a problem with it...until now. Can I just say how gross it is to clean up after a poop accident? I try very hard to hide my true feelings when I am in the process of cleaning one up because I don't want Sarah to feel bad for having an accident. She is just learning. But it is a challenge not to grimace or comment over it.

There is still work to be done but I really feel like Sarah is doing a great job with this whole process. I'm glad I don't have to buy diapers for her anymore. One child in diapers is expensive enough.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

You are amazing! You have me motivated to start training Isabelle. I've been putting it off because Nathan was such a nightmare to train (he finally got it at age 3 1/2). Maybe I'll try the candle blowing thing ... anything that makes it fun. Sarah is too cute. Stay positive and get used to the "poop" thing ... believe me, it doesn't ever go away! :)