Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Silly Sarah

I just wanted to share a couple funny stories about Sarah. We pray with her every night when we put her to bed. She likes to say the prayer so we coach her through it. The other night Kevin was helping her and he said, "we are thankful for the Plan of Salvation". Sarah then repeated and said, "thank you for pants of salvation". I started busting up as quietly as I could and it was all Kevin could do to hold it together long enough to get to the end of the prayer. I think every time I hear the Plan of Salvation I will always remember this story.

Another funny incident happened to me last week. Sarah was standing on our bed as I was getting ready. She looked over at my nightstand, pointed to it and said, "Jesus". I looked over to see what she was pointing at. There were only three things on the nightstand; a lamp, some receipts and a can of hand salve from Burt's Bees (this stuff is great to use right before you go to bed...it keeps my hands from cracking in the winter). Here is what the lid looks like:

I started laughing and picked up the can. I held it out for her and she pointed to the man on the cover and again said, "Jesus". With a smile on my face I explained to her that it was not Jesus and that the man's name was Burt. This immediately confused her because she watches Sesame Street every day and she knew that this was definitely not Burt. So I told her it was not the same Burt from Sesame Street but that this man's name was Burt's Bees (I didn't know how else to explain it to her). She still calls him Jesus every once in a while. I guess Burt's Bees is in the business of saving as well only he just saves my hands from cracking in the winter, not my soul. Oh well, at least Sarah can recognize Jesus even if she does get it wrong sometimes.


Gramma Judy -- MOM said...
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MK said...

Very, very cute! I love it Julie.